Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Half way there....

So close to the weekend! In a way. Wednesday is a great example of half empty half full senario. Either you have two more days until the weekend, or you've finished the first two days of the week. It's why I like Wednesdays even though they're not very productive. Like today. Today, after a long night I woke up, went to a class that's way to easy for college, went home, watched the Mummy, went to class, went back home, watched some spongebob, visited my roommate at Red Robin, had the BEST meal i've had in a long time, I actually came back to my apartment FULL. This has never happend. It felt good. And now, i finally finished signing up for classes. This is what I have so far:

American Civilization 10:00-10:50 Roger Blomquist

World Music 12:00-12:50 Daniel Ferguson

Health 2:00-2:50 Staff


(Free Day)


American Civilization 10:00-10:50 Roger Blomquist

World Music 12:00-12:50 Daniel Ferguson

Health 2:00-2:50 Staff


(Free Day)


American Civilization 10:00-10:50 Roger Blomquist

World Music 12:00-12:50 Daniel Ferguson


MW English 2:30-3:45 Staff

TR Health 10:00-10:50


Math online- Darren T. Wiberg

Fun fun fun fun. Signing up for classes can sometime be harder than it seems. You have to work out the times and the professors. saved my life. I know what professor to take from and which one will actually care about my school career. Though it makes it harder to decide on the actual classes. It's just like a puzzle. And i think i've finally got it solved for my next semester! (hopefully)

So today, in my english class I randomly had the urge to write again. I thought of a brilliant line for a new poem, out of random "God bless the ground, I shall walk softly here" eh eh? Good right? I love times like that. So i'm working on a poem, which feels great! I havent written anything for over a month. CRAZY stuff! I've been super busy with this 20 page paper I have to write for my english class. It's killing me. I've never written more than 4 (maybe).

Well that's my Wednesday and hopefully I'll have a new poem up. I'll also post some old poems i've written and also just some essay type things i've written. You know, for the whole journalism major thing i'm doing at this college.

Happy half way!

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